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GDAX es una casa de cambio de criptomonedas que ofrece a las instituciones y profesionales la capacidad de comerciar con una variedad de monedas digitales como Bitcoin, Ethereum y más en un intercambio regulado basado en los EE. UU. GDAX es propiedad y está operado por Coinbase.
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Problemas Más Reportados
Los siguientes son los problemas más recientes informados por los usuarios de GDAX a través de nuestro sitio web.
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Reportes de Fallos de GDAX
Los últimos problemas e interrupciones reportados en social media:
cindysoho (@cindysoho) reportó
@coinbase I am still trying to find out how to recover my money that was moved to GDAX without out my authorization, case # 05052143 ,why assign a ticket number and get no help ? Looks Im not the only one who has been ripped off ,maybe we all need to file a lawsuit?
SuperMoon Crypto (@SuperMoonCrypto) reportó
If your @CoinbasePro login used to get you onto #GDAX then you an OG in the #Bitcoin game 🔥
greg alspach (@gregboy02) reportó
@iris_rugby_star @RobertOstler I just sent him a message, I am so tired of the slow profits i make from Binance and Gdax.
Sean Mab (@MabSean) reportó
@RiskReversal Any assurance that if all the volume migrated over to $pypl their infrastructure would be any more reliable? Full disclosure, I was forced to use Coinbase Pro after GDAX was phased out and hate it. Was trying to buy 1 BTC at $32k yesterday and could not log in 😩
Rai (@Rai_A_Mujahid) reportó
@brian_armstrong @brian_armstrong I miss the good ol GDAX days. If you truly believe in the long term, then fix your ludicrous fees! Otherwise your stock is going 6 ft under….
zillionaireBTCZ (@BtczZillionaire) reportó
@AnthonyJK Coinbase wallet is where Coinbase makes a killing in fees for the convenience and it’s a gateway to crypto. Start CoinbasePro with the same login (used to be called gdax). Transfers between the two are free. Then, wherever you want to move BTC from there, used LTC to do it.
Mohammad Ahamad (@monaji99) reportó
@Nyree344 @RobertOstler I just sent him a message, I am so tired of the slow profits i make from Binance and Gdax.
𝕀𝕟𝕊𝕚𝕝𝕚𝕔𝕠 🌈🐻 (@insiliconot) reportó
When **** hits the fan, u wont be able to exit, they even turning the ******* exchanges off now when it becomes bad, because books is empty. Those who doesnt turn it off like gdax(coinbase) last week, have 2k spread. People who believe we liquid, will learn hard lesson.
Paddy Balmer (@iris_rugby_star) reportó
@Bandanna467 @RobertOstler I just sent him a message, I am so tired of the slow profits i make from Binance and Gdax.
Theta Research & Capital (@Crypto_MoonKid) reportó
@TraderMercury Literally. Agree 100%. Support is not existent, fees are completely nuts. At least gdax had 0 maker fees back in the day. Nowadays avoid at all costs.
OpenCryptoPortfolioTracker.org (@taoteh1221) reportó
Nevermind, looks like you guys just took your old GDAX endpoint down, or that SSL certificate expired.
NefariousLegion (@NefariousLegion) reportó
@zerohedge I honestly don't understand this - they are barely functional as an exchange with frequent outages, terrible customer service and have gouged plenty of people I know who bought on 'Coinbase' without knowing about GDAX/Pro. Is the value all in their OTC business?
Than (@nathanaelmartin) reportó
@FEhrsam @brian_armstrong @coinbase I first saw it at $10. But I had literally no idea how to access it. Then Coinbase came along. My first purchase was $300. I still remember watching in real;time on GDax when ETH first hit $1,300
🚀💎🙌⚡️DagoBit⚡️💎🙌🚀 (@dagobit0101) reportó
@davidzmorris @jeffjohnroberts @fintechfrank I miss GDAX. Coinbase Pro is a piece of **** 😡
HMS RΞΞpΞr 🇫🇷 (@Fernjosh1) reportó
@zhusu Not doing **** on Gdax :(
Sara and Kimberlie (@findushusbands) reportó
@vipzdepalmas I just sent him a message, I am so tired of the slow profits i make from Binance and Gdax.
Vipz De Palmas (@vipzdepalmas) reportó
@Bandanna467 @RobertOstler Hmmmm, I just sent him a message, I am so tired of the slow profits i make from Binance and Gdax.
𝕀𝕟𝕊𝕚𝕝𝕚𝕔𝕠 (@insiliconot) reportó
So only thing gdax did was suppress btc, and pump scam tokens Bonus ftx futs for listing went -50% from expected 600 to 300. Nobody trades that **** tho so whateve. Gdax stonk bleedin, scam coins pumping. Pure pottery
Dori (@DoriMadeIt) reportó
@cryptomeddler @mrk4m1 @BTCization Ummm…maybe just don’t use whatever dog **** exchange is suspending withdraws. I’ve been in crypto since coinbasepro was gdax. I’ve literally NEVER had a withdraw suspended from them or Gemini
Metaphysic 基本原理 (@MetaphysicRaver) reportó
@5_MeO_MaTT No literally withdraw into another wallet. Regular CB app may have fixed issue but I use gdax version of coninase to avoid inflated fees, withdrawing in all forms are disabled, exchanging might still be good
Viccenzo Benatti (@vih_skare) reportó
@gregboy02 Hmmmm, I just sent him a message, I am so tired of the slow profits i make from Binance and Gdax.
Paddy Balmer (@iris_rugby_star) reportó
@Bandanna467 Hmmmm, I just sent him a message, I am so tired of the slow profits i make from Binance and Gdax.
Harrison Bergeron (@coinableS) reportó
@bitcoinmom Yup coinbase count down to announce gdax, later to become coinbase pro. The animation was as disappointing as their bitcoin stack.
MickC (@MCHTX7) reportó
@threadolysis @CoinbasePro Was this ever fixed? I just started getting the same problem even though I've been using CoinbasePro/Gdax for the past 3 years.
T (@T70449016) reportó
@BMcbiffy @investvoyager @Ehrls15 100% bro. I'm a user case of leaving coinbase for voyager and I really value voyager. Tbh I never really had issues with coinbase, but I dont use coinbase for transactions, I use coinbase pro (used to be gdax) lol. Regardless, voyager wins
Donut (@UltiDonut) reportó
@KeithMukai Hi! It looks like your gdax-bot has stopped working... Could you take a look at it? :)
American Creed, SCH (@ACFederation) reportó
@soupcanarchist If the internet is down or GDAX's are forced to freeze assets... you are going to want to be holding silver as well.
mack (@MackGrenfell) reportó
@ScottDa81001051 Hey @ScottDa81001051; afraid it's pretty tough nowadays. Used to use GDAX/CB Pro, but it's impossible nowadays with the maker fees + tighter spreads. Looked at @BitMEX for their negative maker fees, but it was too competitive.
Kevin Costello (@KevinCo31833801) reportó
@gdax Having trouble with moving cash from coinbase to coinbase pro. Tried this over and over and not working. Also your support page when filling everything out then asks for code sent to email. You try to go back to support page and it vanishes. Never works.
Edward (@Maverickteenxd) reportó
@Splinxes That's not possible from Texas. If I try to convert on an exchange, let's say Pancake Swap, I get Binance-Peg Ethereum, not native token ETHER which is the only ETHER Coinbase or that even GDAX support for that matter.