CMC Markets

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CMC Markets es una empresa con sede en el Reino Unido que ofrece comercio en línea de acciones, apuestas diferenciadas, contratos por diferencia (CFD) y divisas en los mercados mundiales. CMC tiene su sede en Londres, con centros en Sydney y Singapur. Está listada en la Bolsa de Londres.

Problemas en las últimas 24 horas

El siguiente gráfico muestra la cantidad de informes que hemos recibido sobre CMC Markets por hora del día durante las últimas 24 horas. Una interrupción se determina cuando la cantidad de informes es mayor que la línea de referencia, representada por la línea roja.

Gráfico de fallos de CMC Markets 01/18/2025 00:05

Por el momento, no detectamos problemas con CMC Markets. ¿Estás teniendo problemas o interrupciones? Déjanos un mensaje en los comentarios.

Problemas Más Reportados

Los siguientes son los problemas más recientes informados por los usuarios de CMC Markets a través de nuestro sitio web.

  1. Plataforma de Trading (50%)

    Plataforma de Trading (50%)

  2. Website (25%)

    Website (25%)

  3. Login (25%)

    Login (25%)

Mapa de interrupciones en vivo

La mayoría de reportes de fallos e interrupciones se originaron en

Cargando mapa, por favor espere...
City Problem Type Report Time
AustraliaPerth Website
AustraliaMelbourne Plataforma de Trading
SingaporeSingapore Website
AustraliaBrisbane Plataforma de Trading
GermanyGifhorn Plataforma de Trading
AustraliaSydney Login
Map Mapa de Fallos

Discusión comunitaria

¿Consejos? ¿Frustraciones? Compártelos aquí. Los comentarios útiles incluyen una descripción del problema, la ciudad y el código postal.

Tenga cuidado con los "números de soporte" o las cuentas de "recuperación" que se pueden publicar a continuación. Asegúrate de informar y votar negativamente esos comentarios. Evite publicar su información personal.

Reportes de Fallos de CMC Markets

Los últimos problemas e interrupciones reportados en social media:

  • BookofCrusty Archie Sanford (@BookofCrusty) reportó

    @cuspofliberty @VelliosMichael @CMCMarkets Nope. Always have multiple brokers. Don't trade just one account for these reasons. While CMC was down I was able to trade others and my day is done already. Be it forex, futures, options or straight stocks spread out ur capital Just some advice

  • Specialcase332 jake wong (@Specialcase332) reportó

    @CMCMarkets Okay my bad it's down again now... The app just hangs and doesn't update the prices.

  • dinotruc daniel walter (@dinotruc) reportó

    @CMCMarkets Any luck!! Not only are you super slow to report issue but 90 Mons after issue happened the is no update and no communication. Patheticly baf

  • Tom__Capital Tom Capital (@Tom__Capital) reportó

    @ChrisMo1984 @CMCMarkets i was lucky enough to get in and close some of my positions before it dropped out again, still have a couple open that i would rather not if the platform is unstable

  • OctoTrading Octotrader (@OctoTrading) reportó

    @CMCMarkets Any update? There's too much volatility for this to be down 2h hours on opex day. Escalate to the most senior management to get this resolved.

  • Tom__Capital Tom Capital (@Tom__Capital) reportó

    @CMCMarkets one tweet 30 minutes ago and ZERO customer service, no way to contact you to close open positions? WTF

  • BookofCrusty Archie Sanford (@BookofCrusty) reportó

    @Norwaytrading1 @NZ_NFT @CMCMarkets Clear ur browser cache. They fooked this all up and are not telling people the fix

  • michaelbalch Michael Balch 🍹 (@michaelbalch) reportó

    @CMCMarkets As a new customer this is very concerning. It's been almost an hour without service now.

  • ChrisMo1984 ChriSM0 (@ChrisMo1984) reportó

    @Tom__Capital @CMCMarkets Yes, down for me again...

  • aamirnaseer007 Aamir Naseer (@aamirnaseer007) reportó

    @CMCMarkets Customer services rubbish no one answer phone

  • MrGrahamAr Graham Roberts (@MrGrahamAr) reportó

    @CMCMarkets It looks like you will have customers who still can't login because their browser has cached invalid code/data. Let them know to either clear browser caches or use an Incognito/Private browsing tab in their browser.

  • michaelbalch Michael Balch 🍹 (@michaelbalch) reportó

    @CMCMarkets I'm going to assume at this point that you have no DR or redundancy, and your customer service and staff are unable to communicate externally beyond this one tweet. It's not a good look.

  • Gasino11 Gasino (@Gasino11) reportó

    @CMCMarkets down again!!

  • DeanThompson777 One Trade From Zero (@DeanThompson777) reportó

    @NZ_NFT @stokesbaytrader @CMCMarkets Many times. What is most infuriating is that they could easily SMS users to say there's a problem (we already get market news SMSs so there system supports it) but you have to try and get some response via tweets. Their actual support staff are always swamped and unable to help

  • stirlingtrader Stirling Trader (@stirlingtrader) reportó

    @CMCMarkets The mobile app is the web app is still down

  • Nomorebull13 Nomorebull (@Nomorebull13) reportó

    @CMCMarkets will this affect your CEOs £22 million dividend whilst people who have entrusted you with money lose out because of your **** service?!

  • kookie1492 Kookie1492 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦 (@kookie1492) reportó

    @CMCMarkets 45 mins and the site is still down. This is amateurish and seriously off putting.

  • Tom__Capital Tom Capital (@Tom__Capital) reportó

    @Specialcase332 @CMCMarkets down again

  • PerthAndrew andrew_perth (@PerthAndrew) reportó

    @CMCMarkets not working on chrome?

  • DeanThompson777 One Trade From Zero (@DeanThompson777) reportó

    @CMCMarkets Now able to login to phone app but not web app (both offline for 90 minutes since prior to US market open). Still no (automatic) notifications from CMC Markets to say they have/have not fixed the problem.

  • Tom__Capital Tom Capital (@Tom__Capital) reportó

    @ChrisMo1984 @CMCMarkets down again

  • Gasino11 Gasino (@Gasino11) reportó

    @Specialcase332 @CMCMarkets Still down for us

  • JunYan_SYD Jun (@JunYan_SYD) reportó

    @CMCMarkets margin call during system down?

  • HypocriteFlag ah whatever (@HypocriteFlag) reportó

    @CMCMarkets Can you please put a fix in place rather than telling people to contact you. i have cleared browsers cache and still can’t log in - this isn’t good enough !

  • Gasino11 Gasino (@Gasino11) reportó

    @CMCMarkets It's been off and on about 6 times in the past few minutes! Just trying to open a damn trade! C'mon guys!!

  • canciwano canciwano (@canciwano) reportó

    @CMCMarkets Meine eigene Erfahrung; immer, wenn es an der Börse etwas hektisch wird, gibt es technisches Problem. Anders kann cmc kein Geld verdienen.

  • Rjavidfar rezgar (@Rjavidfar) reportó

    @CMCMarkets **** right at the day that market bounced ???

  • GingkoPT Amor Fati (@GingkoPT) reportó

    @ZYCHO999 @CMCMarkets This is just unbelievable.. almost 2 hours down?? and sp500 of course rising since the close... coincidences. This is a f scam with european banks and central banks behind... and market makers that probably are losing money... This is either an info attack or on purpose close

  • pnshah04 Pratik N Shah (@pnshah04) reportó

    @CMCMarkets Wow. 42 mins into the opening & we still cannot login. Surely you guys are planning for a compensation strategy

  • BookofCrusty Archie Sanford (@BookofCrusty) reportó

    One of the craziest opens in weeks and @CMCMarkets was down again. Traders must be fuming 😤